Silvera Food | We Thank You For An Amazing Year 2019

By Anh | Silvera Food
Mon, Dec 23 2019, 14:07 (GMT + 7)

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", a Chinese saying goes. We could not imagine how things would have turned out to be if you had not taken that first single step with us, trusting us and giving us a chance to contribute our small part to your business.
We firmly believe that the journey has just begun and all the most interesting things are still awaiting ahead, and we will be giving our best to be of better service to you.
This is dedicated to all the cooperation, patience, kindness and support you have given us all along our exciting journey.
We wish you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year 2020.
From our sincere gratitude.
Silvera Food

P/S: Our special thanks also go to Mr. Trương Ngọc Nhân ( for his great skills, efforts, hard work and dedication on editing this video for us.
